New Limited series

summer 2024


Episode 01: CFA Karen Hall

FAFTS Session Speakers Karen Hall on Trip Logistics 102: Pre-Trip Planning and Trip Organization

The 2022 Flight Attendant Flight Technician Summit (FAFTS) is less than one week away so I wanted to help support the FAFA communities by helping to get the word out on this amazing networking opportunity.

AirCare International is hosting this year and have put together a brilliant cast of panelists and speakers including my guest today, session Speaker Karen Hall who gives us a taste of what we can expect to learn at her session titled Trip Logistics 102: Pre-Trip Planning and Trip Organization on Day 1, Wednesday, April 6th from 13:00 - 14:00 PST.

Tune in to learn how Karen's aviation career got her wings and some of the fun opportunities she has had along the way!

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