Episode 01: CFA Karen Hall


In support of the flight attendant and flight technician communities, I wanted to help get the word out about the upcoming FAFTS event by interviewing some of the session speakers.

Featured today is professional corporate flight attendant Karen Hall.


FAFTS Session Speakers Karen Hall on Trip Logistics 102: Pre-Trip Planning and Trip Organization

The 2022 Flight Attendant Flight Technician Summit (FAFTS) is less than one week away so I wanted to help support the FAFA communities by helping to get the word out on this amazing networking opportunity.

AirCare International is hosting this year and have put together a brilliant cast of panelists and speakers including my guest today, session Speaker Karen Hall who gives us a taste of what we can expect to learn at her session titled Trip Logistics 102: Pre-Trip Planning and Trip Organization on Day 1, Wednesday, April 6th from 13:00 - 14:00 PST.

Tune in to learn how Karen's aviation career got her wings and some of the fun opportunities she has had along the way!


Episode 02: Flightess Founder & CFA Jamie Gibson